In the breeding step, we make feeds for the Larva(PBS) by conducting research on the protein content (ratio) and mixing a series of proteins in the optimal ratio.
HMO is a company that researches and develops insect peptides (insect protein),
having a systematic operation system from insect management to
product manufacturing to make harmless products to the environment and human body.
HMO will keep working to stabilize and commercialize the insect industry
by taking a leading role in the R&D sector of insect protein
which is gaining attention as the future food source.
HMO has become a company that coexists with local regions,
cooperating with the insect industry complex established in Taean, Chungnam
province, a gift of nature. Beyond Korea, HMO will expand the horizon to the world
based on consumers’ trust and pride in making a safe and healthy product.
In the breeding step, we make feeds for the Larva(PBS) by conducting research on the protein content (ratio) and mixing a series of proteins in the optimal ratio.
Protein is easily destroyed and deformed during factory operation. Therefore, we standardize the optimal condition to maintain components of the raw material and extract/separate the blood lymph with low molecule peptide so that protein can be 100% digested and absorbed.
We make products for each life cycle by designing the customized recipe through the scientific program using low molecule peptides of the Larva(PBS) based on the principles of molecular orthodontics.
· HMO Health Dream is a company that researches and develops insect peptides (insect proteins).
From species management to breeding-processing-finished products, to make products that are harmless to the environment and the human body, It has a systematic and unified system to create.
· For more than a decade, we have invested solely in research and commercialization of insect proteins, and are conducting research through clinical trials with leading domestic research institutes to prove the various effects of PBS.
· In an effort to scientifically prove the efficacy of PBS recorded and oral through breast cancer, cataracts, diabetes, menopause, and stroke, a 3 year study has revealed that the thrombotic substance called PBS is effective against senile and vascular diseases and is currently set to register with the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.
· Differentiated raw material
It has prepared a standard for the first species lineage management (standardization work) and PBS breeding in
Korea and raises them on its own, the criteria are applied to local farmers and through regular education,
It helping to grow excellent varieties can be raised.
· More safety with HACCP
It is being produced safely by applying patented methods from processing to the production of finished products
in HACCP facilities. Currently, we are preparing for GMP certification, and through the certification of the Ministry of
Food and Drug Safety, we will be able to further recognize our product power as a functional food.
· Add value to the patented method
With HMO's special method of Blood lymphatic separation extraction, low molecular weight peptide,
and freeze-drying, etc.,We are focusing on delivering pure protein nutrition in our products.
Currently, we have 9 patents related to larva registered and 6 are being applied for.
“Eco-friendly future food"
With a hygienic breeding environment that consumers can trust and eat,
mass production that applies excellent species selection and management standards,
it will visit consumers around the world with social values in Taean,
Chungcheongnam-do, in the era of the new Fourth Revolution.