
상단 섹션


Company history
Vision History

상단 섹션


06(June): Liver function improvement human clinical trials in progress

06(June): Obtaining business license for health functional food venture manufacturing business 01(January): 2 patent registrations

-To strengthen personalized immunity and prevent diseases
health food composition and method for raising gumbage for the same
-markedly improved blood sugar reduction and diabetes prevention
health food composition and method for raising gumbage for the same

05(May): Venture Business Identification Body / Innovative Growth Type Performing R&D tasks for technological innovation development

-Performance tasks: Hangover-relieving drinks of hydrolyzed fermentations of flower bengi larvae using EMT fusion technology and Development of Health Functional Food for Improving Liver Function

-markedly improved blood sugar reduction and diabetes prevention health food composition and method for raising gumbage for the same

11(November): Minister of SMEs and Startups Commended Intellectual Property Management Certification (KIPO)
09(September): City and county joint investment agreement (MOU) signed
08(August): Clinical trial of Korea University Medical School completed
           Kwon Chil-seung, Minister of SMEs and Startups, Visits
06(June): Selected as an excellent company for the promotion of the wide-area cooperation industry
05(May): Acquisition of HACCP certification (Certification of businesses that apply food safety management certification standards)
05(May) : Kyung Hee University's Oriental Medicine Bio a joint MOU. Thesis Presentation (SCI) 1case - Korean Society of Insects
02(February) : Thesis presentations (KCI) 2cases _Korean Society of Environmental Sciences
12(December): Specialists from Chungnam Insect Industry Association                           Designation of a training institution (Farmers' Office)
10(October): Paper Presentation (non-SCI) - Korea Society of                                       Environmental Sciences
Establishment of Chungcheongnam-do Insect Industry Association
MOU for Agricultural Research & Extension Services
09(September): Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Commended
           Signing Supply Contract With Thailand's Medico Issa
07(July): Technology-related partnership with Germany's Linarz Corp
           Antithrombotic Efficacy of White-Spotted Flower Radish Extract
           Establishment of a manufacturing site innovation activity and operation system
05(May): Change of corporate name to HMO Health Dream Farming Association Corporation
           New Technology in the Technical Support Team of the National Agricultural Science Institute of Rural Development Administration
           Support for Dream Consulting of Hope for Pilot Project
01(January): National white-spotted flower radish growers cooperative contract production
           Establishment of warehousing system
10(October): Korea University (clinical trial), Seoul National University (material toxicity test) research collaboration

09(September): Equipment for production facilities / Farmhouse organization education President of the National Institute of Agricultural Science is awarded a commendation
President of the National Institute of Agricultural Science is awarded a commendation
08(August): MOU on Technology Transfer for Insect Industry Development
04(April): Factory design, extraction and enrichment facilities to meet GMP specifications.